Purple Thistle

Hello! My name is Amanda. I have been filming weddings since the summer after I graduated from college, so, for 18 years! I would consider it a privilege to step into your world and capture one of the most important days of your life. My training as a documentary cameraperson and as a birth doula informs my wedding film work. From the world of documentary making, I know that a cameraperson cannot disappear – there is no becoming a ‘fly on the wall.’ Instead, filming people is about relationships. It’s about feeling comfortable and even joyful with my being there with my camera, you in all your beauty, exactly as you are. From birth work I have learned how to be a calm and steady presence, and how to hold space for people as they go through incredible life transitions. A wedding day is another moment of transition, and your choice of who to be there with you is so important. I have been filming weddings for 18 years, and I love what I do.

Upcoming travel:


Northern Vermont, August 6-30th


Europe, January + February


Local Package

This package is designed to capture the ceremony and reception. If time allows I will capture a bit of the getting ready and pre-ceremony details. 

The Local Package is for weddings 120 miles or less from Saunderstown, Rhode Island.

What’s Included:

  • 8 Hours of Coverage
  • Multiple 4K Cameras / Professional Audio Equipment
  • Drone Footage (if desired and possible)
  • 9-12 min Highlight Film
  • or 20-25 min Extended Highlight Film (+$300)
  • or 40-60 min Documentary Film (+ $400)
  • Licensed Royalty Free Music
  • All Raw Footage


Regional Package

This wedding package focuses on capturing the ceremony and reception with most of the getting ready and pre-ceremony details.

The Regional Package is for weddings over 120 miles from Saunderstown, Rhode Island, and includes all travel expenses.

What’s Included:

  • 8 Hours of Coverage
  • Multiple 4K Cameras / Professional Audio Equipment
  • Drone Footage (if desired and possible)
  • 9-12 min Highlight Film
  • or 20-25 min Extended Highlight Film (+$300)
  • or 40-60 min Documentary Film (+$400)
  • Licensed Royalty Free Music
  • All Raw Footage
  • All Travel Expenses Included


Local Raw Footage + Ceremony Package

What’s Included:

This package is for those who only want the day captured and the raw material. A full edit of the ceremony is also included! To be clear, what you get is raw and untouched. There will be shots of my shoes! This package works best for a video editor or if you want to have the day covered and budget for editing down the road.

  • 8 Hours of Coverage
  • Drone Footage (if desired and possible)
  • Multiple 4K Cameras / Professional Audio Equipment
  • All Raw Footage
  • Full Ceremony Edit


Add ons

  • Full Ceremony Edit $300
  • Social Media Teaser $300
  • Second cameraperson (6 hours of coverage) $600


What is a Highlight Film? A Highlight Film depicts your day in a 9-12 minute piece. Using significant audio elements (vows, officiant, speeches) as a backbone, I weave together the most emotive imagery and sound in roughly chronological order. I carefully chose 3-4 songs for Highlight Films, and also include any special candid audio moments, to enhance the feeling of being there.

What is an Extended Highlight Film? An Extended Highlight Film is a happy medium between a shorter Highlight Film and a Documentary Film. It allows for more breathing room, and is selective of moments from the formal elements (ceremony, speeches, dances), instead of presenting those elements in full as they are in a Documentary Film.

What is a Documentary Film? A Documentary Film is as much an edited piece as a Highlight Film. It depends less on music, although I do use a few songs during scene transitions, and feels more like a series of naturally observed scenes. In the Documentary Film, the ceremony, speeches and dances are edited in their complete forms. If after watching you would prefer to edit those parts down, we can certainly do that.

What if I want something different? Please ask! Let’s customize a package that is right for you.

How far are you willing to travel? I maintain a flexible schedule and love to travel (I am converting a short school bus to do so more!). I am open to filming wherever you have in mind.

Do you have insurance? Yes. I am happy to provide proof of insurance.

Do you have a drone? I do have a drone. If drone footage is something you’re excited about having in your film, please let me know.

Why hire a videographer? It’s going to go by really quickly. Videography provides two important gifts: sound and motion. Vows, speeches, little conversations, the tumble of the ocean, the way your dress fluttered in the breeze, how you walked slowly or ran down the aisle, the dance your fiancé surprised you with, how your friends danced during the reception…And it’s not only a chance to capture you, but all of your guests at a moment in time.


The first step is a phone call. You tell me what you are imagining, and I answer any questions. Most importantly, we get to know each other.

After our call, I send you a sample agreement, so you can read over those details. If and when you feel ready, we sign the agreement. After the agreement is signed, I send over an invoice. 7 days after receiving the invoice a 50% deposit is due. The other 50% is due upon your wedding day. If it helps, I am open to other payment plans.

Then I send you a detailed questionnaire to get to know you better and your hopes for the film. This part is fun and helpfully reflective, I swear!

Before the day, we stay in touch, sharing any further ideas and the contact information of other vendors.

On your wedding day, I show up early. During the more intimate and less formal parts of the day, such as getting ready and late night dancing, I help you stay comfortable by walking around with one camera. During the formal parts of the day, such as the ceremony and toasts, I throw up two or three cameras and multiple audio recorders. At the end of the night I give you a hug, if that works for you!

Then we rest! I watch the raw footage and listen to songs. If we are using music, I send you a playlist and you get to tell me your music preferences. I begin to pull together your film. You can expect your film and raw footage within 10-12 weeks, if not sooner. If there is anything you happen to want changed, I am happy to make a round of edits.

I love what I do. It is so important to me that you love your film!


I mother and homeschool a seven year old and pamper a senior cat.

My background is in documentary filmmaking, alongside weddings, and I have been making both documentaries and wedding films for 18 years.

In 2015 I made a feature observational documentary that won awards, played at MoMA, and went to film festivals around the world.

Along with my filmmaking work, I am a birth doula. As a doula I support and hold space for people as they go through the incredible life transition of giving birth.

I’m an experimental film nerd who chose not to become a film professor like several of my friends because I wanted a more flexible and self driven life.

I write poetry, garden and am converting a short school bus for adventures.

I am excited to apprentice with theater troupe Bread and Puppet in August 2024.

I lived in Brooklyn, New York for 12 years, and now live around family in beautiful southern Rhode Island.

Best of Zola 2024